Attorney Tier 2 Application for re:SearchNM 11012022 1
Attorney Application
for Tier 2 Online Access to re:Search©NM
New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts - Judicial Information Division
202 E. Marcy Street 111 Lomas Blvd, NW Suite 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501 Albuquerque, NM 87125
Phone: 505-629-3291 Email: [email protected]
Reminder: Before submitting this form, register for your account at
Pursuant to the New Mexico Supreme Court Order, attorneys (as provided in the Case Access Policy for
Online Court Records) may apply to receive login credentials to view court cases currently digitized in the
New Mexico Judiciary’s Odyssey Case Management System using the re:Search©NM web application.
Access to court records in re:Search©NM is a privilege conferred by the Supreme Court to aid the efficient
administration of justice to the extent permitted by law. Access will be granted only to applicants who qualify
and who agree to the terms of use and non-disclosure set forth below.
Due to varying restrictions on public access for certain case types as provided by law, cases in re:Search©NM
are divided into three tiers with three corresponding levels of access, which are defined as follows:
Tier 1: Attorneys who have a re:SearchNM account already have Tier 1 included in their access.
Most cases that are viewable in re:Search©NM fall within Tier 1, including most civil, probate,
domestic relations, domestic violence, parentage, and criminal case types. Attorneys can self-
register for Tier 1 access on the re:Search©NM site.
Tier 2.1: Cases in Tier 2 includes delinquency proceedings in Children’s Court cases. To request
access to view Tier 2 cases in re:Search©NM, you must complete Part B of this application, and the
New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts Terms of Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Tier 2.5: Cases in Tier 2.5 are subject to strict confidentiality protections. Tier 2.5 cases include
proceedings under the Abuse and Neglect Act, the Families in Need of Court-Ordered Services Act,
adoption proceedings, and mental health proceedings. Only Law Enforcement Officers may view
these cases.
Use of re:Search©NM for any purpose other than viewing individual electronic court records, including
attempting to download multiple records, is strictly prohibited. Data use is subject to NMSA 1978, Section
14-3-15.1. The Administrative Office of the Courts reserves the right to redact information from
re:Search©NM court case files as required by law. Online access does not include documents that have
been sealed in a particular case, regardless of tier or case type.
Attorney Tier 2 Application for re:SearchNM 11012022 2
Application Process
Attorneys should apply for an account to access Tier 1 and their Attorney of Record cases in re:Search©NM
by going to the re:SearchNM site to self-register.
To apply for access to Tier 2 re:Search©NM court case files, please complete Parts A and B of this
application. Each applicant requesting access must submit the application via email to the New Mexico
Administrative Office of the Courts Judicial Information Division (“JID”) at [email protected].
All information provided to JID in your application will be held confidential and will only be used to open and
manage your account.
Because Tier 2 cases include confidential information that must be protected by law, Tier 2 access is limited
to applicants who qualify for access under state or federal law and who demonstrate a compelling need to
view delinquency proceedings.
Access to Tier 2 cases will be granted only upon approval by the Online Access Subcommittee and may take
up to sixty (60) business days to process. The terms of use and non-disclosure as set forth in your application
apply to any access you are granted for Tier 2 case types.
If approved, your self-registered re:SearchNM account will be upgraded to allow access to Tier 2 cases, so
you can log into the same account.
Attorney Tier 2 Application for re:SearchNM 11012022 3
Part A:
Attorney License Information
Limited License Attorney? Yes
If yes, include the limited license certificate of admission
Pro Hac Vice? Yes
If yes, please attach to this application your Rule 24-106 NMRA Pro Hac Vice Registration
Certificates related to any case numbers listed below.
Case Number(s):
Prefix: Mr./Ms. Other (specify):
First Name: Last Name:
Email: Phone:
Supreme Court CAID number:
Your CAID number, is a 5-digit number
with the
first two digits corresponding to the year your CAID number was issued, followed by a slash and three
more digits, such as "05/111.” It may appear on your bar card near your state bar number. If you have
trouble locating your CAID number, please contact the New Mexico Supreme Court at 505-827-4860 or to obtain your CAID number.
Business Contact Information
Business Name:
Business Physical Address:
Business Mailing Address:
Business City, State and Zip:
Business Phone:
Attorney Contact Telephone Numbers: (Office)
Attorney Business Email:
Attorney Tier 2 Application for re:SearchNM 11012022 4
Part B: Tier 2 Access
Delinquency Proceedings: Users requesting access to delinquency proceedings in Children’s
Court must represent juveniles in criminal or delinquency cases, and may go before the Online Access
Subcommittee for approval and can take up to sixty (60) business days to process. Information in delinquency
proceedings includes information that is protected by various provisions of law, including the Delinquency Act
and Rule 10-166 NMRA.
Request Tier 2 access to Delinquency Proceedings? Yes
If you represent juveniles in criminal or delinquency cases, please select the option that best
describes you:
New Mexico District Attorney or Assistant District Attorney
_ New Mexico Public Defender or Assistant Public Defender
Private attorney who represents children in delinquency proceedings
_ Other attorney:
If you selected other attorney, please explain your compelling need for access to Delinquency
Proceedings. Your explanation will be considered by the Online Access Subcommittee of the Judicial
Technology Council:
Attorney Tier 2 Application for re:SearchNM 11012022 5
New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts
Terms of Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement
This application is used to determine whether the applicant should be granted authorization to access court
case files in re:Search©NM. The court case files in re:Search©NM may contain protected personal
identifiers and other confidential information that must be protected by law. The Administrative Office of the
Courts reserves the right to redact protected personal identifiers and other confidential information from
court case files in re:Search©NM. Submitting this application constitutes an agreement between the New
Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts and you to certain terms of use and non-disclosure as set forth
in the Application.
As an authorized user of court case files in re:Search©NM, regardless of tier type, you agree to the following:
To not share your login credentials with any individual;
To not disclose any information protected by law that you gain through accessing court case files in
re:Search©NM unless such disclosure is through the discharge of your official duties as an officer of
the court or as otherwise required by law; and,
To take all reasonable precautions to protect all case information, including protected personal
identifier information in court case files in re:Search©NM as required by Rules 1-079, 2-112, 3-112,
5-123, 6-114, 7-113, 8-112, 10-166, and 12-314 NMRA.
None of the provisions of this agreement can be waived or modified by the Administrative Office of the Courts
or its employees. The laws of the State of New Mexico, Supreme Court rules, including disciplinary rules,
and any and all applicable legal remedies shall govern this agreement. This agreement may be terminated
by the Administrative Office of the Courts for any violation of its terms.
Applicant Signature: Date:
Applicant Full Name:
If applicable, Rule 24-106 NMRA Pro Hac Vice Registration Certificate is attached.
If applicable, Limited License Certificate of Admission is attached.