• Navigate to the TNT Temporary Files folder in your TNT products folder and
delete temporary files you find.
• Select Tools/System/Preferences from the TNT menubar and click on the
System tabbed panel to specify a new repository for the temporary files.
• Select the default TNT Temporary Files folder and click on the Remove button
to delete it (you do not need to remove this folder if you specify a path for a
different drive that has more space).
• Click on the Add button to specify a new location for storing temporary files or
toggle on the
Include TEMP and TMP environment settings
button toggled on
to store your temporary files in the default folder of MAC (if available).
• Select Go/Go to Folder from the Finder menu and type the path of the tempo-
rary file folder listed in the Temporary Directory pane
or navigate to the tempo-
rary file folder using Finder or other MAC tools.
you have control over the folders that store tempo-
rary files created by TNT processes in MAC OS X?
What Managing Temporary Files Gives You
• Designate drive and folder to keep TNT temporary files
• Store temporary files on multiple drives
• Use automatically created TNT temporary files folder to store temporary files
View and delete temporary files in the specified temporary folder
Manage TNT Temporary Files in Mac OS X
Search the information available on
MicroImages’ Web Site
Click to remove the
highlighted path.
Click to remove all paths.
Click to specify a new
drive and/or folder to
store temporary files.
The TNT Temporary
Files folder is automati-
cally created in your
TNTmips directory to be
used as the default
primary repository for
the temporary files
created during your use
of various processes.
How to Manage Temporary Files in Mac OS X
This button is active if you have TEMP
and TMP environment variables set for
your computer. Toggle on this button to
use the default folder set for the TEMP
and TMP environment variables to store
the temporary files when the drive with
TNT Temporary Files folder does not
contain enough free space for the
temporary files.
If the drive with TNT
Temporary Files folder
does not contain
enough free space for
the temporary files, the
second drive with
additional space (if
specified) is used.
If the TEMP and TMP
environment variables folder
specified by
Include TEMP
and TMP environment
button and the folder
you specified are on the same
drive, the folder specified is
used as the primary reposi-
tory for the temporary files. If
not, the folder in a drive with
more space is used as
primary repository.